Moral Imaginations
We are building a movement of moral imagining: collective imagining to increase radical kinship with the human and more-than-human worlds, present, past and future.
We facilitate & develop collective imagining to empower people to create shared imaginings of the future.
We are working with schools, universities, local councils, organisations, purpose-driven networks, local communities, funders and policy-makers to introduce collective imagining practices to community imagining and collective decision-making.
The Impossible Train Story is one of the collection of Moral Imaginations exercises. It is an immersive, experiential narrative exercise, and was created in the wake of COVID-19 to imagine better futures.
We work with metaphors to guide collective sense making and exploration of hopes, fears, visions, possibilities and memories through world-building and shared exploration of collectively imagined worlds.
The Impossible Train Story exercise has been experienced by over 500 people with ~100 alternative endings to the story.
You can join us for an in depth workshop that works with the Train metaphor adapted to the context you are working with.
If you’d like to have a go at solo imagining, find a quiet space and take a moment to relax before playing the video. Immediately after the video, take 6-7 minutes journalling around these questions:
What kind of questions are you asking as you get off the train? What do you see and feel and notice? What happens next?

“We live in a state of impasse, a moment where existing social imaginaries and practices no longer produce the outcomes they once did, but no new imaginaries or practices have yet been created.”
- Lauren Berlant
What People Are Saying
“I was overwhelmed by the power of group imagining. Taking part in a session doing more-than-human imagining evoked feelings and shifts in thinking that have stayed with me since. 12 months later and I am still affected by the Moral Imaginations.”
— Lorna, participant
I was surprised by how emotional it was, felt like an opening up of my soul! The questions required deep soul thinking, which I don’t normally do, or know how to necessarily. It meant accessing a different part of my brain which is tiring and exhilarating.
— Georgie, participant
“It’s the earth, the universe and everything. All massive existential questions. And yet it’s quite a playful way of doing it. And a way that people who might not have thought they could do it, could."
— Sara, participant
“This has been such a mind blowing experience... I just want this to go in forever. Now we need to work out how we continue what we started. I want to keep up relationships that have started. It’s been such an amazing brain stretching, emotional, experience, where we go from here I have no idea…”
— Frank, participant
“Our Moral Imagination must lead to moral actions and activity; this has been a wondrous experience that will surely enable us all to thrive and move to better. To never go back to 'normal' and ensure that we show the path to others how we must only go forward using our deep thinking, creativity and imagination, possible through Moral Imagination.”
— John, participant
I feel I have found a new part of me that feels strong .
— Kate, participant